Legal Status of the Organization

The Basete Rural Development Welfare Trust (BRDWT) is a non profit, non-political and non-religious body registered in the year 2014 under the Trust bearing registration no. in Book No. 4 Vol No 24. At its inception founding members of BRDWT drew their inspiration from the needy rural communities who are groping in ignorance about economic options and the process that constraint social progress. The organization came into being from the desire to collectively help and to address rural poverty through leadership development and economic skills. BRDWT has been making effort to link rural village communities with various development organizations. It has also taken up agricultural research to enhance productivity of the local communities.

Vision of the Organization:

To Ameliorate the socio-economic status of the poor and marginalized families of Rural people of India.

Mission of the Organization:

The mission of the organization is to liberate the marginalized and poorest of the poor people from illiteracy, diseases, ignorance, injustice and poverty.

Main objectives of the Organization:

  • To undertake the programs for development and empowerment of adolescents, strengthening of boarding and hostel facilities for girls, family counseling, capacity building and removal of gender discrimination.
  • To undertake primary need of shelter, food clothing circumstances who are without any social and economic support.
  • To rehabilitate women socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up gradation, life skill training and personality development through behavioral training and specific clinic.
  • To setup and run any kind of vocational training centers or employment program for women & Girls.

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