Legal Status of the Organization

The Basete Rural Development Welfare Trust (BRDWT) is a non profit, non-political and non-religious body registered in the year 2014 under the Trust bearing registration no. in Book No. 4 Vol No 24. At its inception founding members of BRDWT drew their inspiration from the needy rural communities who are groping in ignorance about economic options and the process that constraint social progress. The organization came into being from the desire to collectively help and to address rural poverty through leadership development and economic skills. BRDWT has been making effort to link rural village communities with various development organizations. It has also taken up agricultural research to enhance productivity of the local communities.

Vision of the Organization:

To Ameliorate the socio-economic status of the poor and marginalized families of Rural people of India.

Mission of the Organization:

The mission of the organization is to liberate the marginalized and poorest of the poor people from illiteracy, diseases, ignorance, injustice and poverty.

Main objectives of the Organization:

  • To undertake the programs for development and empowerment of adolescents, strengthening of boarding and hostel facilities for girls, family counseling, capacity building and removal of gender discrimination.
  • To undertake primary need of shelter, food clothing circumstances who are without any social and economic support.
  • To rehabilitate women socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up-gradation, life skill training and personality development through behavioral training and specific clinic.
  • To setup and run any kind of vocational training centers or employment program for women & Girls.
  • To undertake training and employment for women through agriculture, animal husbandry dairy, Fisheries, handloom, handicraft, khadi and village industries, sericulture, social forestry and wasteland development, horticulture.
  • To undertake education work for prevention of atrocities on women, prevention of trafficking and rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of trafficking for commercial sex exploitation.
  • To undertake and implement the schemes of women and child department such as welfare of working children in need of care and protection, and integrated program for street children.
  • To promote and manage early childhood education for 3-6 age group children under the program of universalization of elementary education, Balika Samriddhi Yojana and Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award for service to children.
  • To promote National Credit Fund for women or the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) undertake schemes of loan promotion, main loan, revolving fund, bulk lending, gold credit passbook, working capital and family loan.
  • To undertake for empowerment of the poorest women through small loans for income generation activities for asset creation and thrift or small savings from borrower's own resources and form self-help groups (SHG).
  • To establish and manage short stay home and Swadhar for women, juvenile home/special home & observation home for socially maladjusted children and undertake education work for prevention of atrocities on women.
  • To undertake construction/expansion of hostel building for working women with a daycare centre and Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme for the children of working mothers.
  • To undertake education work for prevention of atrocities on women, community-based production of nutritious foods, home for children, promote in-country adoption, and welfare of working children in need of care and protection.
  • To establish, manage, and assist charitable hospitals, dispensaries, and ambulance services for the benefit of any person or persons regardless of gender, community, caste, creed, race and nationality.
  • To conduct research in the field of biotechnology and preserve different cells of different animals, birds and extinct species to develop vaccines against different dreaded diseases like AIDS, malaria and cancer by cell culture technique.
  • To develop new chemotherapeutic agents against cancer and test standardization and development of different herbal drugs for human and animal uses and work on Micro-propagation of plant cells.
  • To develop and take over health care infrastructure and render medical care of the highest order through implementing new medical system, potent drugs and research and provide a forum for useful research on various diseases.
  • To set up mobile healthcare facilities for the areas where adequate healthcare facilities and first aid are far from reach and undertake programs of tribal health and family welfare including reproductive maternal and child healthcare.
  • To establish healthcare centres and carry out periodical health checkups for identifying infections like liver, kidney, heart, skin, eye and dental and take preventive measures.
  • To undertake Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) and take up action-oriented research and study on the subject of child labour and preventive measures to discourage further accretion of children into employment.
  • To undertake projects/action programs for the benefit of child labour and women labour so as to enable them to participate actively in socio-economic development.
  • To arrange or organize sports meets, sports camps at all levels for sub-junior, junior & senior groups.
  • To arrange & organize competitions for indoor & outdoor games at all levels.
  • To improve cultural, educational and social conditions of the people undertake multidisciplinary programs and work for democracy, good governance, realization of human rights, international peace, justice and cooperation.
  • To arrange and organize tea parties, lunches or dinners on different occasions such as Parsi festivals, Deepawali, Eid, Christmas etc., and invite people of all religions to promote communal harmony.
  • To undertake, organize seminars, workshops, symposiums, studies, surveys, feasibility reports, and exhibitions in connection with the educational system, women empowerment, tribal welfare, food processing industry and other issues.
  • To provide consultancy to the Government of India, State Governments, Embassies, Municipal Corporation, Autonomous bodies and voluntary organizations working for the overall development of human beings.
  • To arrange marriages of adult female and male candidates irrespective of caste, creed, or color and encourage inter-caste marriages in building a healthy society and infuse in couples consciousness against social evil.
  • To provide grant-in-aid and other financial assistance to voluntary organizations and work as a link between NGOs working in different parts of India and donor agencies and individual donors.
  • To undertake intensive research, training, and survey for increasing production and quality of agriculture, floriculture, horticulture, sericulture, wormy culture, and aquaculture.
  • To participate in all emerging issues whenever they occur and to do all such other lawful acts, deeds, and things as incidental and conducive to the attainment of the objects or any one of them.
  • To undertake planned and coordinated development of technical education in the country by ensuring world-class standards of institutions through accreditation and stopping commercialization of technical education.
  • To promote and organize effective universal primary education, non-formal education, vocational education guidance and literacy, access to information, and life skills to the underprivileged children with special emphasis on the girl child.
  • To establish Schools & Industrial Training Institutes and distribute scholarships, books, stipends, medals, and other incentives to meritorious students of the underprivileged sections of society.
  • To establish and manage universities, colleges in the field of Medical, Nursing, Dental, Pharmacy, Law, B.Ed., Business Management, Computer Application, Applied Arts and Crafts, and Industrial Training Institutes.
  • To provide basic educational infrastructure and facilities in areas with a concentration of educationally backward minorities that do not have adequate provision for elementary and secondary schools.
  • To undertake studies, seminars, and evaluations for the implementation of education policy, strengthen education in human values, promote yoga in schools, and provide environmental education to school children.
  • To provide information and communication technology in schools, improve the quality of science education in schools, and undertake integrated education for disabled children (EDC).
  • To undertake nutritional support to primary education (MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME), experimental and innovative programs for education at the elementary stage, including Non-formal education.
  • To undertake projects for the eradication of illiteracy, adult education, Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Mahila Samakhya for women empowerment, and promote Education Guarantee and Alternative and Innovative Education Schemes (EGS & AIE).
  • To develop clusters of traditional industries to be more competitive, market-driven, productive, profitable, and sustained employment for traditional industry artisans and rural entrepreneurs.
  • To manage the integrated development of potential handicraft artisans and organize seminars, symposiums, exhibitions, and conduct need-based studies and research.
  • To establish resource centers for major crafts, E-kiosks, warehousing cum common work sheds, and provide margin money support and technological assistance by setting up facility centers for artisans.
  • To undertake integrated design and technical development projects, workshop development, and supply of improved modern tools, training of artisans, and conduct entrepreneurship development programs.
  • To undertake entrepreneurship development programs, publicity of Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY) through printing and electronic mode, and brand-building campaigns.
  • To undertake market assessment, product assessment studies, study cum exposure tours for artisans and other stakeholders, setting up of handicrafts emporia and renovation, training of artisans, and organizing seminars.
  • To undertake diagnostic surveys and formulation of project plans, community empowerment for mobilization of artisans into self-help groups, and technological assistance by setting up facility centers by entrepreneurs.
  • To undertake integrated design and technical development projects, supply of improved modern tools, community empowerment for mobilization of artisans into self-help groups, and arranging of indent cards to the artisans.
  • To undertake handicrafts artisans' comprehensive welfare schemes under Babasaheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana and promote design and technology upgradation and human resource development.
  • To develop clusters of traditional industries to be more competitive, market-driven, productive, profitable, and provide sustained employment for traditional industry artisans and rural entrepreneurs.
  • To establish entrepreneurship development institutes, provide training to entrepreneurs for creating self-employment, and conduct research in connection with entrepreneurship-related issues.
  • To undertake rural development activities through experimental and innovative efforts, involve participants in the planning, implementation, and maintenance of activities envisaged, and provide training for income generation and life skills.
  • To undertake new self-employment ventures/projects/micro-enterprises for generating employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country and bring together widely dispersed traditional artisans.
  • To build up innovative and traditional skills, improved technologies, advanced processes, market intelligence, and new models of public-private partnerships, so as to gradually replicate similar models of industries.
  • To provide backward linkages to khadi & village industry activities in a cluster and support through raw material supply, skill upgradation, training, quality control, testing facilities, and marketing promotion.
  • To make the khadi industry more competitive with more market-driven, profitable production and provide sustained employment for khadi artisans and related service providers by replacing obsolete and old machinery.
  • To establish and undertake rural employment generation programme through Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana (PMRY), and Export Market Promotion.
  • To promote livelihood opportunities and employment in rural areas, get assistance from the Rural Innovation Fund (RIF) for innovative and commercially viable activities, and establish small and cottage industries.

  • To undertake skill upgradation & design development for handloom weavers (SUDHA), promote assistance to rural women in non-farm development, and activate the rural entrepreneurship development program.
  • To organize food processing training centres, total quality management system sensitization cum awareness programs, entrepreneurship development programs, and establish Degree/Diploma courses in food processing technology.
  • To undertake, manage, and run postgraduate, undergraduate, and diploma-level courses in the fields of Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, Architecture/Planning, Hotel Management, and Catering Technology.
  • To manage and develop technology upgradation, establishment, and modernization of food processing industries and undertake the creation of infrastructure facilities for training programs for food processing industries.
  • To undertake cold chain, value addition, and preservation infrastructure, as well as technology upgradation, expansion, and establishment of modernized food processing industries.
  • To manage training programs and develop technology upgradation, establishment, and modernization of food processing industries, and undertake the creation of infrastructure facilities in connection with food processing industries.
  • To undertake food processing activities through National/International exhibitions, organize seminars/workshops/symposiums, conduct entrepreneur development programs, and promote quality assurance and safety concepts.
  • To undertake awareness building on the merits of the Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy and promote and propagate Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy, Yoga, and Naturopathy abroad.
  • To undertake healthcare centres and promote, propagate, encourage, and manage the cultivation of medicinal plants used in the manufacture of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homeopathy systems of medicine.
  • To undertake ambulance services for animals in distress, shelter houses for looking after animals, birth control and immunization of stray dogs, and provide relief to animals during natural calamities and unforeseen circumstances.
  • To support manufacturers, traders, and farmers for participation in international fairs, seminars, and meetings to create mass awareness about the importance of medicinal plants in all strata of society.
  • To establish nutritional gardens in rural areas, produce rarer and costly trees like teaks, cider and medicinal plants, and undertake through prone area and desert development programme, and identify constraints in horticulture development.
  • To undertake type and short-hand centre, Library, Balwadi, centre for training on computers, and manage training in the field of TV, DVD, mobile and radio repair, commercial arts & printing, composing & book binding.
  • To undertake vocational training in the field of motor winding & fitting, welding fitter trade's scooter, motorcycle/auto rickshaw repair, spray painting & denting, spinning and weaving.
  • To undertake the programs of poverty eradication, vocational training, self-help groups formation, and create employment opportunities for weaker sections of the society including community-based rehabilitation.
  • To provide integrated community-based non-institutional basic services for the care, protection, and development of street children facing destitution, neglect, abuse, and exploitation.
  • To provide legal aid to the socially disadvantaged groups and undertake relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, fires, pestilence, and drought.
  • To enable and empower physically handicapped individuals to live as independently and as fully as possible within their own families and facilitate the realization of equal opportunities and full participation of persons with disabilities.
  • To undertake identification and treatment of drug addicts and create awareness about the ill effects of alcoholism and substance abuse on the individual, the family, and society at large.
  • To provide for the whole range of community-based services for the identification, motivation, counseling, de-addiction, aftercare, and rehabilitation of addicts and create awareness against alcoholism.
  • To run, manage, conduct, sponsor, coordinate, control, and organize programs/research specially related to the enlistment of disabled individuals, their education, and rehabilitation with a holistic and progressive approach.
  • To provide assistance to physically handicapped children in respect of artificial limbs and to give them vocational training in different fields which will make them independent.
  • To establish special schools for mentally challenged, hearing and speech impaired, visually challenged individuals, and undertake programs for cerebral palsied children, preschool and early interventions, and training.
  • To undertake vocational training in the field of craft, carpentry, watch repairing, diesel pump set repair, rural engineering, steel furniture making, gem cutting, leather art, and dari making.
  • To undertake vocational training in the field of food preservation, block printing, electrician, tie and die, auto driving, plumbing, photography, motor driving, coconut coir making & agarbatti, and manage crèche centre.
  • To undertake protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage, develop strategy for promotion of tourism by conservation of tangible and intangible heritage and thereby increasing the employment potential.
  • To undertake conference, seminars, workshops, symposia, festivals, exhibitions, small research projects in connection with cultural activities and preserve or promote cultural heritage, art, letters, and other creative endeavors.
  • To undertake and set up motor vehicle driving training institutes, conduct training courses for trainers and training instructors, conduct induction training courses in driving of light/heavy motor vehicles.
  • To undertake case studies on accidents to analyze the cause of accidents, who was at fault and how it could have been averted, and conduct training courses on safety clinics for accident-prone drivers.
  • To conduct training courses for drivers who carry dangerous/hazardous goods and carry out research on behavioral/attitudinal changes to be brought out in the drivers and infuse positive social attitudes in drivers.
  • To undertake and promote publicity campaigns on road safety in subjects like Don't over-speed, Don't drink and drive, follow lane discipline, be alert on the road, and conduct cultural activities promoting road safety.
  • To undertake refresher and orientation capsule courses for drivers who are in service and conduct behavioral practices and stress management, defensive driving techniques, traffic rules, and regulations.
  • To undertake consumer awareness programs, strengthen consumer forums, form consumer clubs, identify the key concerns of consumers, and conduct conferences, seminars, symposia, and small research projects.
  • To develop the personality of students through community service, manage vocational training, conduct seminars/workshops, promotion of adventure, rural sports and tournaments, construct youth hostels, and empower adolescents.
  • To undertake, develop, and construct shooting ranges, playfields, indoor and outdoor stadium/facilities, swimming pools, and water sports infrastructure (such as jetty, boat houses, etc.).
  • To establish winter sports infrastructure (such as skiing slopes, ice-hockey fields, etc.), skating rinks, velodromes, construction of sports hostels, and organize shooting competitions.
  • To assist farmers in kind or money for farming/agriculture/animal husbandry-based activities so as to increase production and undertake projects for providing land and shelter (houses) to the landless in the form of kind or money.
  • To undertake promotion and development of small rural technologies, micro enterprises, watershed management, wasteland/other unutilized resources development.
  • To undertake activities for integrated development of tree-borne oilseeds (TBOS) and promote oilseeds cultivation such as soybean, groundnut, white sesame, etc., during the Kharif season and sunflower, mustard, etc., during the Rabi season.
  • To establish a large number of micro enterprises in the rural areas and organize the rural poor into Self Help Groups (SHGs) through the process of social mobilization, training and capacity building.
  • To undertake integrated wastelands development projects, technology development extension, and training for wasteland development in non-forest areas, and promotional schemes for the development of non-forest wastelands.
  • To undertake Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) and bring the assisted families above the poverty line by organizing the rural poor into Self Help Groups through the process of social mobilization, training and capacity building.
  • To promote the use of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) systems including solar home systems, street lighting systems, SPV power plants, solar lanterns, and new applications of SPV technology.
  • To reduce the consumption of kerosene for lighting purposes by replacing the kerosene lanterns and wick lamps with SPV systems and provide an alternative for meeting rural lighting energy requirements.
  • To improve the quality of life in rural areas through the use of environment-friendly solar lighting systems which do not need any fossil fuels, do not emit any pollutants, and are free from health and life hazards.
  • To undertake accelerated development and deployment of solar water heating systems in domestic, industrial, and commercial sectors, and organize programs for training, study, survey, seminar, symposia, and workshops.
  • To promote solar thermal systems for air heating/steam generating applications, solar building programs, Akshay Urja shops, and programs related to solar photovoltaic devices/systems in urban areas and solar thermal energy demonstrations.
  • To undertake programs on biomass energy and co-generation in industry and institutions and promote biomass gasifiers for thermal and electrical applications, including biomass gasifier-based village electrification.
  • To undertake or run programs from all ministries and departments as well as from Mother NGOs, CSR funding, and accept donations from corporate and individual sources.
  • The society will work for the cause of the tribal people of Northeast India and for humanity in general.
  • The society will cooperate with other like-minded organizations or bodies for the upliftment of mankind in a holistic way, including social justice, education, community health services, relief funds, moral and material support.
  • The aim of the society is to foster religious and spiritual foundation and guidelines to mankind for becoming good citizens.
  • To establish educational and religious institutes like music, computer, and coaching centers.
  • To run and help social religious organizations like orphanages, children homes, and old-age homes.
  • To provide funding for self-employment programs like poultry, piggery, fishery, weaving, knitting, handicrafts, and small-scale businesses to help solve the problem of rampant unemployment in the region.
  • To undertake construction and repairing work of roads & bridges.
  • To undertake work for bee keeping & honey collection.